Holdridge Life Zones: climate and vegetation types

ECOSYSTEMS Holdridge present life-zone class

The results of this analysis are available as a dataset, including an interactive viewer and downloadable data files.

The Holdridge Life Zones data set is from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analyses (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. The data set shows the Holdridge Life Zones of the World, a combination of climate and vegetation (ecological) types, under current, so-called "normal" climate conditions. It has a spatial resolution of one-half degree latitude/longitude, and a total of 38 life-zone classes (see enclosed legend). The proper reference to this data set is "Leemans, Rik, 1990. Global data sets collected and compiled by the Biosphere Project, Working Paper, IIASA-Laxenburg, Austria."

The Holdridge Life Zones data set has four parts. The first (present) is as described in the paragraph above; the second (double CO2) shows how the Life Zones would change given an assumed doubling of atmospheric C02 (according to a General Circulation Model from the U.K. Office of Meteorology); while the third (before) and fourth (after) show only those Life Zone areas which would undergo changes, before and after the doubling of C02.

The dataset and its documentation are from Holdridge Life Zones Data Set at UNEP/GRID-Geneva.