Attributes { X { Float32 pointwidth 0.5; String standard_name "longitude"; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } Y { Float32 pointwidth 0.5; String standard_name "latitude"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } Y_01 { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String standard_name "latitude"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } X_01 { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String standard_name "longitude"; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } Holdridge{ changes{ doubleCO2{ life-zone { String long_name "life-zone class"; Int32 maxncolor 41; Int32 CE 38; Int32 CS 1; Float32 scale_min 1.0; Float32 scale_max 38.0; String CLIST "Polar desert", "Subpolar dry tundra", "Subpolar moist tundra", "Subpolar wet tundra", "Subpolar rain tundra", "Boreal desert", "Boreal dry scrub", "Boreal moist forest", "Boreal wet forest", "Boreal rain forest", "Cool temperate desert", "Cool temperate desert scrub", "Cool temperate steppe", "Cool temperate moist forest", "Cool temperate wet forest", "Cool temperate rain forest", "Warm temperate desert", "Warm temperate desert scrub", "Warm temperate thorn steppe", "Warm temperate dry forest", "Warm temperate moist forest", "Warm temperate wet forest", "Warm temperate rain forest", "Subtropical desert", "Subtropical desert scrub", "Subtropical thorn woodland", "Subtropical dry forest", "Subtropical moist forest", "Subtropical wet forest", "Subtropical rain forest", "Tropical desert", "Tropical desert scrub", "Tropical thorn woodland", "Tropical very dry forest", "Tropical dry forest", "Tropical moist forest", "Tropical wet forest", "Tropical rain forest"; Int32 ncolor 41; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:LandCover"; String colormap "16777215", "16777215", "12632256", "7346457", "8388608", "13434880", "16711680", "16748574", "16436871", "16776960", "15128749", "16777184", "13688896", "9419919", "5737262", "2263842", "3329330", "65280", "9895935", "65535", "55295", "3195135", "2139610", "42495", "36095", "14524637", "15736992", "13850042", "14053594", "16711935", "13382297", "9662683", "14483455", "255", "3342516", "6684876", "6718463", "26316", "3368703", "10066380", "1710726"; String units "ids"; } } present{ life-zone { String long_name "life-zone class"; Int32 maxncolor 41; Int32 CE 38; Int32 CS 1; Float32 scale_min 1.0; Float32 scale_max 38.0; String CLIST "Polar desert", "Subpolar dry tundra", "Subpolar moist tundra", "Subpolar wet tundra", "Subpolar rain tundra", "Boreal desert", "Boreal dry scrub", "Boreal moist forest", "Boreal wet forest", "Boreal rain forest", "Cool temperate desert", "Cool temperate desert scrub", "Cool temperate steppe", "Cool temperate moist forest", "Cool temperate wet forest", "Cool temperate rain forest", "Warm temperate desert", "Warm temperate desert scrub", "Warm temperate thorn steppe", "Warm temperate dry forest", "Warm temperate moist forest", "Warm temperate wet forest", "Warm temperate rain forest", "Subtropical desert", "Subtropical desert scrub", "Subtropical thorn woodland", "Subtropical dry forest", "Subtropical moist forest", "Subtropical wet forest", "Subtropical rain forest", "Tropical desert", "Tropical desert scrub", "Tropical thorn woodland", "Tropical very dry forest", "Tropical dry forest", "Tropical moist forest", "Tropical wet forest", "Tropical rain forest"; Int32 ncolor 41; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:LandCover"; String colormap "16777215", "16777215", "12632256", "7346457", "8388608", "13434880", "16711680", "16748574", "16436871", "16776960", "15128749", "16777184", "13688896", "9419919", "5737262", "2263842", "3329330", "65280", "9895935", "65535", "55295", "3195135", "2139610", "42495", "36095", "14524637", "15736992", "13850042", "14053594", "16711935", "13382297", "9662683", "14483455", "255", "3342516", "6684876", "6718463", "26316", "3368703", "10066380", "1710726"; String units "ids"; } } } doubleCO2{ life-zone { String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:LandCover"; String long_name "life-zone class"; Int32 maxncolor 41; Int32 CE 38; Int32 CS 1; Float32 scale_min 1.0; Float32 scale_max 38.0; String CLIST "Polar desert", "Subpolar dry tundra", "Subpolar moist tundra", "Subpolar wet tundra", "Subpolar rain tundra", "Boreal desert", "Boreal dry scrub", "Boreal moist forest", "Boreal wet forest", "Boreal rain forest", "Cool temperate desert", "Cool temperate desert scrub", "Cool temperate steppe", "Cool temperate moist forest", "Cool temperate wet forest", "Cool temperate rain forest", "Warm temperate desert", "Warm temperate desert scrub", "Warm temperate thorn steppe", "Warm temperate dry forest", "Warm temperate moist forest", "Warm temperate wet forest", "Warm temperate rain forest", "Subtropical desert", "Subtropical desert scrub", "Subtropical thorn woodland", "Subtropical dry forest", "Subtropical moist forest", "Subtropical wet forest", "Subtropical rain forest", "Tropical desert", "Tropical desert scrub", "Tropical thorn woodland", "Tropical very dry forest", "Tropical dry forest", "Tropical moist forest", "Tropical wet forest", "Tropical rain forest"; Int32 ncolor 41; String colormap "16777215", "16777215", "12632256", "7346457", "8388608", "13434880", "16711680", "16748574", "16436871", "16776960", "15128749", "16777184", "13688896", "9419919", "5737262", "2263842", "3329330", "65280", "9895935", "65535", "55295", "3195135", "2139610", "42495", "36095", "14524637", "15736992", "13850042", "14053594", "16711935", "13382297", "9662683", "14483455", "255", "3342516", "6684876", "6718463", "26316", "3368703", "10066380", "1710726"; String units "ids"; } } present{ life-zone { String CLIST "Polar desert", "Subpolar dry tundra", "Subpolar moist tundra", "Subpolar wet tundra", "Subpolar rain tundra", "Boreal desert", "Boreal dry scrub", "Boreal moist forest", "Boreal wet forest", "Boreal rain forest", "Cool temperate desert", "Cool temperate desert scrub", "Cool temperate steppe", "Cool temperate moist forest", "Cool temperate wet forest", "Cool temperate rain forest", "Warm temperate desert", "Warm temperate desert scrub", "Warm temperate thorn steppe", "Warm temperate dry forest", "Warm temperate moist forest", "Warm temperate wet forest", "Warm temperate rain forest", "Subtropical desert", "Subtropical desert scrub", "Subtropical thorn woodland", "Subtropical dry forest", "Subtropical moist forest", "Subtropical wet forest", "Subtropical rain forest", "Tropical desert", "Tropical desert scrub", "Tropical thorn woodland", "Tropical very dry forest", "Tropical dry forest", "Tropical moist forest", "Tropical wet forest", "Tropical rain forest"; String long_name "life-zone class"; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:LandCover"; Int32 maxncolor 41; String colormap "16777215", "16777215", "12632256", "7346457", "8388608", "13434880", "16711680", "16748574", "16436871", "16776960", "15128749", "16777184", "13688896", "9419919", "5737262", "2263842", "3329330", "65280", "9895935", "65535", "55295", "3195135", "2139610", "42495", "36095", "14524637", "15736992", "13850042", "14053594", "16711935", "13382297", "9662683", "14483455", "255", "3342516", "6684876", "6718463", "26316", "3368703", "10066380", "1710726"; Float32 scale_min 1.0; Int32 CS 1; Int32 ncolor 41; Int32 CE 38; Float32 scale_max 38.0; String units "ids"; } } } Matthews{ vegetation { String source "Matthews Global Vegetation Index"; Float32 scale_min 1.0; Float32 scale_max 32.0; String CLIST "tropical evergreen rainforest", "trop/subtropical evergreen seasonal broad-leaved forest", "subtropical evergreen rainforest", "temperate/subpolar evergreen rainforest", "temperate evergreen seasonal broadleaved forest, summer rain", "evergreen broadleaved sclerophyllous forest, winter rain", "tropical/subtropical evergreen needle-leaved forest", "tempierate/subpolar evergreen needle-leaved forest", "tropical/subtropical drought-deciduous forest", "cold-deciduous forest, with evergreens", "cold-deciduous forest, without evergreens", "xeromorphic forest/woodland", "evergreen broadleaved sclerophyllous woodland", "evergreen needleleaved woodland", "tropical/subtropical drought-deciduous woodland", "cold-deciduous woodland", "evergreen broadleaved shrubland/thick, evergreen dwarf-shrubland", "evergreen needleleaved or microphyllous shrubland/thicket", "drought-deciduous shrubland/thicket", "cold-deciduous subalpine/subpolar shrubland/dwarf shrub", "xeromorphic shrubland/dwarf shrubland", "arctic/alpine tundra, mossy bog", "tall/medium/short grassland, 10-40% woody cover", "tall/medium/short grassland, < 10% woody cover", "tall/medium/short grassland, shrub cover", "tall grassland, no woody cover", "medium grassland, no woody cover", "meadow, short grassland, no woody cover", "forb formations", "desert", "ice", "cultivation"; String missing_values "-9999", "99999"; String long_name "vegetation index"; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:LandCover"; String units "ids"; } } Olson{ class { Float32 scale_min 17.0; Float32 scale_max 70.0; String CLIST "antarctica", " ", " ", "main taiga", "main taiga", "cool conifer", "cool mixed", "warm deciduous", "warm mixed", "warm mixed", "warm conifer", "trop. montane", "trop. seasonal", "cool crops", "warm crops", "tropical dry for", "eq. evergreen", " ", " ", "paddylands", "warm irrigated", "cool irrigated", "cold irrigated", "cool grass/shrub", "warm grass/shrub", "siberian parks", "trop. savanna", "bogs, bog woods", "marsh, swamp", "med. grazing", "highland shrub", "semiarid woods", "low scrub", "sand desert", "hot desert", "cool desert", "tundra", "tundra", "cool field/woods", "warm for./field", "cool for./field", "warm field woods", "succulent thorns", "south. taiga", "e. south. taiga", "north. taiga", "wooded tundra", "heaths, moors", "coastal edges", "coastal edges", "coastal edges", "coastal edges", "polar desert", "ice"; String long_name "land ecosystem class"; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:LandCover"; String units "ids"; } } NC_GLOBAL { String description "Vegetation and ecosystem data from the IIASA, GISS, and USGS"; String Conventions "IRIDL"; String Holdridge.references "Leemans1990"; String Holdridge.source "Holdridge Life Zones Data Set"; String Holdridge.long_name "Holdridge Life Zones"; String Holdridge.iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:IIASA"; String Holdridge.changes.long_name "Areas with Life-Zone Changes in doubled CO2 senario"; String Matthews.references "Matthews1983 Matthews1984"; String Matthews.source "Matthews Global Vegetation Index"; String Matthews.description "Global vegetation and ecosystems data"; String Matthews.long_name "Matthews Vegetation Index"; String Matthews.iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:GISS"; URL Matthews.dataset_documentation.html ""; String Olson.references "Olson_etal1983"; String Olson.description "Global vegetation and ecosystems data"; String Olson.long_name "Olson Ecosystem Complexes"; String Olson.iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:ORNL"; URL Olson.dataset_documentation.html ""; } }