Attributes { X { Float32 pointwidth 2.5; Float32 modulus 360.0; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } T { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } Y { Float32 pointwidth 2.5; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } X_01 { Float32 pointwidth 2.5; Float32 modulus 360.0; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } T_01 { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } Y_01 { Float32 pointwidth 2.5; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "degree_north"; } T_02 { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String standard_name "time"; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } X_02 { String long_name "Longitude"; Float32 pointwidth 2.5; Float32 modulus 360.0; Int32 gridtype 1; String units "degree_east"; } T_03 { String long_name "Time"; Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } Z { Int32 gridtype 0; String units "unitless"; } T_04 { Float32 pointwidth 1.0; String standard_name "time"; String calendar "360"; Int32 gridtype 0; String units "months since 1960-01-01"; } derived{ srb { Float32 missing_value NaN; String history "[(ISCCP Solar Radation Data (corrected)) ([ ISCCP MONTHLY solr ] * $1-a$)]"; String long_name "surface radiation budget"; String units "W/m2"; } } derivederbegrid{ srb { Float32 missing_value NaN; String history "[[(ISCCP MONTHLY solr) [(ISCCP Solar Radation Data (corrected)) (X regridded on ISCCP MONTHLY solr) (Y regridded on ISCCP MONTHLY solr)]] [($1-a$) (1. - [ albedo [ [ [ mod [ T , 12 ] ] * 30. ] , Y , 5. , 2.1000000E-02 ] ])]]"; String long_name "surface radiation budget"; String units "W/m2"; } } Fitted{ srb { String units "W/m2"; Int32 CS 0; Int32 CE 320; Float32 missing_value NaN; String long_name "surface radiation budget"; String source "ISCCP fitted to ERBE"; String history "[(ISCCP Solar Radation Data (corrected)) ([ ISCCP MONTHLY solr ] * $1-a$)]"; Int32 CI 2; } } MEAN{ cld { String long_name "cloudiness"; String units "unitless"; } } MONTHLY{ cld { String long_name "cloudiness"; String units "unitless"; } lowcloud { String title "ISCCP-C2 Monthly Mean Cloud Product"; String FORTRAN_format "F10.3"; String long_name "Low Cld Freq"; String units "/%"; String description "Ave Freq Low Clouds Cumulus and Stratus"; Float32 valid_min 0.0; Float32 valid_max 100.0; Float32 missing_value -1000.0; } solr { String long_name "solar radiation"; String history "ISCCP Solar Radation Data (corrected)"; String units "W/m2"; } } OLD{ derived{ srb { Float32 file_missing_value -99.999901; Float32 missing_value NaN; String history "[[([ SOLSFC.ISCCP solr ] * $1-a$) [(ISCCP Solar Radation Data) (X regridded on SOLSFC.ISCCP) (Y regridded on SOLSFC.ISCCP)]] [() (U.S. Navy bathymetry plus land heights)]]"; String units "unitless"; } } solr { String long_name "solar radiation"; String units "W/m2"; } } NC_GLOBAL { String Conventions "IRIDL"; String description "Cloudiness and solar radiation data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project"; URL dataset_documentation.html ""; String iridl:hasSemantics "iridl:WCRP"; String references "Seager_Blumenthal1994 Bishop_Rossow1991"; URL ISCCP D2 "/SOURCES/.NASA/.ISCCP/.D2/"; URL see also "/SOURCES/.GEDEX/.isccp_c2.cdf/"; URL MONTHLY.see also "/SOURCES/.GEDEX/.isccp_c2/"; } }