PELTIER ice ArcInfo Downloads

The latitude and longitude ranges of your data are given below. If you would like to reset the longitude range, enter the new limts in the text boxes and click the Reset Longitude Limits button.

to by 1.0

Latitude goes from 89.5 to -89.5 by 1.0

This dataset depends on the following independent variable (i.e, grid):

grid: /T (KBP) ordered (21.0 KBP) to (0.0 KBP) by 1.0 N= 22 pts :grid

so there will be 22 links below for the different files.

You may want to get a utility like wget which can download sets of files. For example (all one line)

wget -r -l2 -nd --no-parent -e robots=off -v --relative ''

single quotes are necessary in unix to protect the url from expansion; probably necessary in other cases as well
21.0 KBP
20.0 KBP
19.0 KBP
18.0 KBP
17.0 KBP
16.0 KBP
15.0 KBP
14.0 KBP
13.0 KBP
12.0 KBP
11.0 KBP
10.0 KBP
9.0 KBP
8.0 KBP
7.0 KBP
6.0 KBP
5.0 KBP
4.0 KBP
3.0 KBP
2.0 KBP
1.0 KBP
0.0 KBP