NOAA Daily Global Summary of Day (GOBALSOD) Station Data

Some of the data are here.

The following information describes the global surface summary of day data built monthly by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) in Asheville, NC. The hourly data used in building these daily summaries are obtained from the Air Weather Service (AWS) Global Climatology Division, located in the Federal Climate Complex with NCDC. The latest month of the daily summary data is placed on line by NCDC for easy access and download by outside users, and is normally available about 1 month after the end of the data month. Over 8000 stations' data are typically included each month. They are accessible through our mosaic/www server ( or through direct ftp connection. Other periods of the summary of day data (up to 20 years or more) can be obtained off-line from NCDC. The daily elements included in the dataset (as available from each station) are:

The original documentation is here.